(413) tax-help

Services We Offer



We will sit down with you and review your current situation. You will walk us through the events and milestones that have taken place so we can devise a solid strategy going forward. We even help re-create missing or non-existent records. We can assist with preparation and filing of late tax returns.


Preparation is the key to facing the IRS. Ample time is invested in mapping a solid plan and playing out the different scenarios. Throughout the process we gather information and resources as we explore every avenue possible. In the end you will have a case designed to bring about your desired resolution swiftly and effectively.


We will work directly with the IRS and/State to negotiate the best settlement for your situations. We represent and fight not only for your financial relief but to release you from the emotional pain that comes with tax debt. Remember your quality of life is at stake.





Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

  • The Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP) is a penalty assessed to business owners and business associates who have withheld and not submitted employee payroll taxes, such as federal income tax, social security tax and Medicare tax. 
  • If a business owner or associate is found by the IRS to be a “responsible person,” a TFRP will be assessed and issued tax liens, property seizures and garnishments. 
  • Stop Tax Collectors can handle discussions with the Revenue Officer and the 4180 interview process to find an amicable resolution so your business can thrive again.

Employment/Payroll Tax Cases

  • Failing to timely file these tax forms and pay the taxes will place a target on your company. The IRS places a higher priority on investigating employment/payroll tax issues than income taxes.
  • If your business fails to file or pay payroll taxes to the IRS, Stop Tax Collectors can help negotiate a resolution plan and prevent the IRS from seizing business assets and shutting down your business.
Taxpayer Advocate Assistance
  • The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS set up to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly, and that their rights are understood and protected. Their advocates can help us if we run into obstacles that we can’t resolve on our own.
  • Stop Tax Collectors can request assistance from TAS to aid in expediting IRS processing speeds as well as to work in unison to achieve a desired resolution with IRS. 


Currently Non-Collectible
  • If you are experiencing financial hardship and cannot pay your tax debt, Stop Tax Collectors can help negotiate a “currently not collectible” status for your back taxes.
  • When in non-collectible status, IRS is barred from enforced collection action against you.
Bankruptcy Support
  • Assist with tax return compliance before or during proceedings
  • Assist with tax resolution of any remaining tax matters following proceedings
Innocent Spouse Relief
  • When you’re married, filing your taxes jointly can provide many benefits—but it can also create trouble and headaches. Innocent Spouse Relief removes a spouse (or ex-spouse) from the responsibility for unpaid taxes, penalties, and interest that were acquired as a result of a joint tax filing. 
  • Depending on your situation, there are several relief programs available to a spouse that will release them top Tax Collectors their tax liability, if approved by the IRS. Some of these programs include Innocent Spouse, Injured Spouse and Separation of Liability. 
  • The tax resolution experts at Stop Tax Collectors will analyze your case and the tax laws to fit the program that matches your situation the best.
Tax Return Preparation
  • Not filing a tax return is one of the worst things you can do in the eyes of the IRS. Whether you forgot or willfully ignored them, unfiled tax returns can be considered a crime, with significant consequences. 
  • Working with you from the first step of tax debt resolution, Stop Tax Collectors have resources ready to prepare your unfiled tax returns to help you achieve full compliance with your tax filing obligations. 
CDP Hearing
  • The IRS is required to offer appeal rights for initial enforced collection action (i.e. bank levy, wage garnishment, lien filing). 
  • Stop Tax Collectors can handle the appeals process for you by filing a request for a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing with the Office of Appeals to stop or reverse the collection action enforced against you. 
CAP Hearing
  • Similar to CDP Hearing process, a Collection Appeal Program (CAP) hearing can be requested in response to an enforced collection action if we feel the IRS did not follow the steps required by law, prior to enforcing collection action against you. 
Correspondence Appeal
  • The accountants at Stop Tax Collectors are experienced in navigating the IRS Office of Appeals and can request appeal of various determinations either submitted by our office or prior to our representation of a taxpayer. 
  • We will ensure that we exhaust every option provided by IRS in an effort to resolve your tax matter!
Audit Representation/Audit Appeal
  • At Stop Tax Collectors, our tax experts can take over your audit proceedings and work with the IRS to make sure everything gets taken care of properly.
  • We can also file an appeal for you if we feel the outcome of the Audit was improper. 
Lein Release
  • If you have tax debt or overdue payments, a Federal Tax Lien gives the IRS a legal claim to any of your property for security or payment. By filing a Notice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL), creditors are publicly notified that the IRS has a claim against your owned property, including property acquired after the tax lien is filed. 
  • Tax liens are incredibly damaging, so it’s important to resolve them immediately. By completing some available resolution programs, Stop Tax Collectors can work to have your tax liens removed.
US Tax Court Small Case Procedure
  • If you don’t agree with the IRS’ ruling on your tax bill, it may be time to take your case to Tax Court. There are different reasons for going to Tax Court. It may be to have liens or levies removed or contest the Appeals Office ruling on the amount you owe. 
  • Stop Tax Collectors has the capability to represent taxpayers in US Tax Court, Small Case Procedures of $50,000 or less. 
Income and Asset Planning
  • Optimizing your income stream and asset holdings to obtain the best arrangements with the taxing agency during resolution
  • Business and individual income tax and asset planning following tax resolution
Voluntary Disclosure Agreements (IRS and states)
  • For taxpayers looking to achieve full compliance with IRS, or state tax department, a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement (VDA) is an agreement between you, or your business, and tax jurisdictions to help avoid tax compliance issues and reduce audit lookback periods.
  • Taking a proactive approach to resolve any tax delinquencies through a VDA can help you reduce the risk of future audit assessments and reduce or eliminate penalties and interest. 
  • Stop Tax Collectors can work with IRS, or state tax department, to enter into VDA to ensure you are not unfairly penalized while working to file delinquent tax returns and resolve unpaid tax liabilities.
Bank Levy Release
  • When your taxes remain unpaid, the IRS can freeze your bank accounts and seize any money in them but Stop Tax Collectors can help you get that levy released and prevent future bank levies.
  • While an IRS bank levy can be stopped, you have limited time to resolve it, so it is important to act quickly. At Stop Tax Collectors, our tax professionals can work on your behalf to release the bank levy and permanently resolve your back taxes.
Wage Garnishment Release
  • If you have tax debt, your wages, commissions, and even your Social Security income can be seized through a wage levy but Stop Tax Collectors can work with the IRS to release it.
  • The tax professionals at Stop Tax Collectors can negotiate with the IRS and/or State to have your wage garnishment released or modified to find a permanent resolution to your tax debt.
State Tax Problems
  • If you have unfiled tax returns or owe back taxes to a State tax agency, we can help – whether its income, payroll, or sales taxes.
  • Collection action for back taxes by state departments can be very aggressive, with unpaid debts often resulting in wage garnishments and bank levies. Each state has its own rules and requirements regarding taxes, so it’s important to know how and where you file so you can find the best resolution. 
  • Some resolution options are available across all states, but not all. The easiest way to obtain state tax relief is to work with the experts at stop Tax Collectors to find the solution that best fits your situation.
Lien Subordination
  • If you’re looking to refinance or sell a home, but have a federal tax lien, the tax professionals at Stop Tax Collectors can pursue all avenues for a lien subordination to facilitate the sale.
  • If a tax lien has been filed against you and you owe back taxes, you may find you are unable to refinance or sell property. To resolve this issue, you can file a Lien Subordination with the IRS. While this does not remove the lien, it does make it secondary to any other loans, allowing you to refinance or restructure your loans. 
  • Due to the complexity of the rules and qualifying factors, allow the experts at Stop Tax Collectors to navigate the steps and find success for you through lien subordination to make the sale!
Collection Statue Expiration Date (CSED)
  • If you owe back taxes and it’s been almost 10 years the taxes have been assessed, Stop Tax Collectors can help in eliminating your tax assessment.
  • Many taxpayers do not realize that most owed back taxes have a 10-year statute of limitations. The IRS will never notify taxpayers of this 10-year rule, leaving many taxpayers confused about their accounts. 
  • The 10 year statute of limitations is not as simple as it may sound, but with the help from Stop Tax Collectors – we can help you navigate the complex IRS tax codes and if you qualify, eliminate your tax assessments.
Offer in compromise
  • This is a negotiation or compromise with the IRS for those struggling to pay their full tax liability or if doing so creates a financial hardship. It takes into consideration your income, asset equity and overall ability to pay. To ensure you are eligible you will need to have all required estimated payments and tax returns must be made with the application fee. You will need Form 433-A pr 433-B and a form 656 along with all necessary documentation.
IRS repayment Plan

This strategy for paying tax dept is the IRS Repayment Plan. It breaks your debt into smaller and more manageable payments while avoiding levies and garnishments. You will still have interest and penalties for being late until you have paid off your entire balance.

Penalty Abatement

There may be penalties and interest that are piling up and from which you many needs relief. These are a form of tax relief meant for those with special circumstances that have led to an inability to pay taxes, such as natural disaster, world pandemic, serious illness or others. This is known as reasonable cause penalty abatement, there is also a fist time penalty abatement.

Schedule your free Consultation with Stop Tax Collectors.

If you prefer to speak to a professional about your tax matter over the phone, call (413) TAX-HELP


Saved 99.6% | $39,500

$40,000 owed

$500 paid

Simi Valley, CA


Saved 99.4% | $14,185

$14,235 owed

$50 paid

Santa Ana, CA


Saved 98.4% | $15,525

$15,425 owed

$100 paid

San Bernardino, CA


Saved 99.1% | $11,328

$11,428 owed

$100 paid

San Diego, CA


Saved 100%

$16,500 owed and a bank levy

Paid $0 to ODR

Paid $0 to IRS

Saved 100%

$25,000 owed and a bank levy

Paid $0 to ODR

Paid $0 to IRS

Saved 100%

$232,000 owed

Paid $0